Tag Archives: Memory Books

The Value of Sharing Photographs

16 Aug

A photograph holds so much value; from the memories that it eternalizes, to the bursts of nostalgia that it ignites, a photograph speaks a lot more than just 1000 words.  My passion for photography began at a really early age and I knew that when it came time to get married, pictures would be a big focus of importance in the wedding planning process.

Having recently been married, I can speak to the importance of photography. Weddings involve several different stages and a photograph is the best way to capture a snapshot of each of these milestones that lead up to the main event. Between the engagement photos, wedding ceremony and the wedding reception, there are several memories to be captured.


Once all of the photos have been taken, what do you do with them? Do they sit on your computer in a folder that gets neglected? Do the pictures stay on a CD or a USB stick that eventually gets lost over time? I am all about printing my photographs and having the memories live on, rather than having the pictures become out of sight and out of mind. One of my favourite ways to keep the memories alive is to create a photo book so that I can enjoy my pictures.

When I was in high school, I went on a trip to Italy and the photographs that I had from that trip were unbelievable. I decided that I needed to do something more than just put the pictures into a photo album. I stumbled across Shutterfly and that changed the way I share my photographs. I put together a beautiful hardcover photo book that I was able to customize and share with my family and friends. Another photo book that I made, also with Shutterfly, was a memory book for my husband on our 1 year dating anniversary back in 2007.


The beauty of a photo book is that the final product is what you make it to be; you can customize the photo book to be unique to you. I plan on making a photo book for my wedding, the tricky part is deciding which photographs to use! Sharing photographs stirs valuable conversation, evokes memories that are near and dear to my heart, and I am able to relive special moments in my life that I never want to forget.

How do you share your photos?
